
  • The One Hundred: A Guide to the Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own
    • The One Hundred: A Guide to the Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own

    • ISBN(10碼): 0061664634
    • ISBN(13碼): 9780061664632
    • 作者: Nina Garcia & Ruben Toledo
    • 出版社: Harpercollins
    • 出版日期: 2010年08月10日
    • 美元 定價:15.99元 


  In the wildly popular The Little Black Book of Style, fashion authority Nina Garcia showed women how to think about personal style in an entirely new way. Encouraging readers to creatively assert their style identities, Nina showed women of all ages how to hone and self-edit a distinct fashion voice.

  With her style philosophy firmly out in the world, Nina decided to address the most popular question readers consistently ask her: Exactly what are fashion's timeless pieces?

  The One Hundred answers this question and provides women with a tangible style map to follow when planning a shopping trip and stocking one's closet. With illustrations from world-renowned fashion illustrator Ruben Toledo, The One Hundred contains the 100 items that Nina believes will never go out of style, and that have become absolutely indispensible for any woman reaching for her own eternal fashion look.


妮娜.賈西亞 (Nina Garcia),美國版《美麗佳人》雜誌時尚總監、前《ELLE》雜誌時尚總監,2004年起在美國國家廣播公司(NBC)旗下Bravo電視台熱播實境秀節目《決戰時裝伸展台》中擔任評審。

妮娜.賈西亞對時裝一語中的、鞭辟入裡的點評令她名揚四方。她是時尚界炙手可熱的明星,從時裝設計品牌到時尚媒體,從Marc Jacobs到世界頂級時尚雜誌《ELLE》和《美麗佳人》,她已從一名出生於哥倫比亞的女孩成長為歷經時尚洗禮的魅力女人。

她浸潤時尚圈十餘年,熱愛時尚,投入時尚,卻從不被時尚所奴役。在她看來,時尚是短暫的,只有自我風格才是永恆的。2007年9月出版第一本書《The Little Black Book of Style》,之後更推出了《伸展台女王賈西亞的100件經典時尚單品》、《Nina Garcia’s Look Book》、《The Style Strategy》,皆榮登紐約時報暢銷榜,廣受讀者好評。

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