
  • A Tale of Two Cities
    • A Tale of Two Cities

    • ISBN(10碼): 1411403134
    • ISBN(13碼): 9781411403130
    • 作者: Charles Dickens
    • 出版社: Spark Publishing
    • 出版日期: 2008年01月01日
    • 美元 定價:5.95元  二手最低價:$60
    • 已絕版
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  Lucie Manette had been separated from her father for eighteen years while he languished in Paris's most feared prison, the Bastille. Finally reunited, the Manettes's fortunes become inextricably intertwined with those of two men, the heroic aristocrat Darnay, and the dissolute lawyer, Carton. Their story, which encompasses violence, revenge, love and redemption, is grippingly played out against the backdrop of the terrifying brutality of the French Revolution.


Charles Dickens (狄更斯, 1812-1870),生於南英格蘭的朴次茅斯,家境小康。狄更斯是家中長子,父親是公務員,母親則是樂觀又多才多藝的主婦,常在家中指導兒女識字、吟誦。好景不常,由於父母揮霍無度,狄更斯十歲以後,家道中落,父親因負債而被捕下獄,狄更斯一度輟學到鞋油廠工作,備嘗艱辛、屈辱,看盡人情冷暖、貧富差距,他卻沒有因此變得憤世嫉俗,而是以一種悲天憫人的情懷,將這些遭遇一一寫入書中,多以英國中下階層社會的人物為寫作題材。



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