
  • The Bonesetter's Daughter (精裝)
    • The Bonesetter's Daughter (精裝)

    • ISBN(10碼): 039914643X
    • ISBN(13碼): 9780399146435
    • 作者: Amy Tan
    • 出版社: Putnam Adult
    • 出版日期: 2001年02月19日
    • 美元 定價:25.95元  二手最低價:$380
    • 已絕版
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  Struggling to regain her voice and express her true feelings to her husband, ghostwriter Ruth Young discovers that her inability to speak closely parallels the story of her mother LuLing's early life in China, where Ruth finds the famous bonesetter, a woman whose mouth was sealed shut during a suicide attempt.

  Set in contemporary San Francisco and in a Chinese village where Peking Man is being unearthed, The Bonesetter's Daughter is an excavation of the human spirit: the past, its deepest wounds, its most profound hopes. The story conjures the pain of broken dreams, the power of myths, and the strength of love that enables us to recover in memory what we have lost in grief.


譚恩美 (Amy Tan),生於美國加州奧克蘭,雙親均為中國大陸移民。作品包括《喜福會》、《灶君娘娘》、《百種神秘感覺》、《接骨師的女兒》、《Saving Fish from Drowing》以及兩本童書《月娘》和《中國暹羅貓》,PBS已將《中國暹羅貓》改編為卡通動畫《傻瓜》 (Sagwa),並由譚恩美親自擔任創意顧問及編劇。此外,還共同監製、撰寫電影《喜福會》。論述與小說散見各大雜誌與選集,作品超過二十五國語言的譯本。


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