Party Secrets: Who to Invite, Must-Dance Music, Most-Loved Munchies & Foolproof Fun!
- ISBN(10碼): 1584857080
- ISBN(13碼): 9781584857082
- 作者: Sarah Jane Brian
- 出版社: American Girl Publishing Inc
- 出版日期: 2003年03月01日
- 美元 定價:8.95元 二手最低價:$129元
- 已絕版
Get the scoop on planning and hosting a perfect party! Inside you'll find great ideas for themes, decorations, games, dancing, and munchies. You'll also get tips on how to charm your guests, break the ice, and make sure everyone has a fabulous time!
Offers suggestions and advice for girls on how to plan, prepare for, and enjoy different kinds of parties.