
  • Pride and Prejudice (精裝)
    • Pride and Prejudice (精裝)

    • ISBN(10碼): 1593083246
    • ISBN(13碼): 9781593083243
    • 作者: Jane Austen
    • 出版社: Barnes & Noble Classics
    • 出版日期: 2004年09月20日
    • 美元 定價:12.5元 
    • 已絕版
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  Pride and Prejudice, one of the world's most popular novels, quickly establishes itself as a charming satire with its hilarious opening line: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."

  Anthony Trollope once said of Jane Austen, "What she did, she did perfectly." Today Austen is regarded as the first modern novelist. Pride and Prejudice-Austen's own "darling child"-tells the story of fiercely independent Elizabeth Bennet, one of five sisters who must marry rich, as she confounds the arrogant, wealthy Mr. Darcy. What ensues is one of the most delightful and engrossingly readable courtships known to literature, replete with finely drawn depictions of country manners, high society and high comedy, and, ultimately, the economy-driven march toward marriage.


珍‧奧斯汀 (Jane Austen, 1775-1817),出生於英國漢普郡的史蒂文頓,父親是一位牧師,她共有六位兄弟及一位姊姊。1794年開始創作「愛麗諾與瑪麗安」(《理性與感性》的原型)。1811年,在兄長的資助下,終於出版她的第一本小說《理性與感性》,最著名的《傲慢與偏見》則於1813年出版。即使作品均描寫感情與婚姻,但她本人終身未婚;她與後來成為愛爾蘭最高法官的湯姆‧勒弗伊之間的愛情被認為是《傲慢與偏見》的創作來源,勒弗伊便是書中達西的原型。


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