
  • Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and It's All Small Stuff
    • Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and It's All Small Stuff

    • ISBN(10碼): 0786881852
    • ISBN(13碼): 9780786881857
    • 作者: Richard Carlson
    • 出版社: Hyperion
    • 出版日期: 1997年01月01日
    • 美元 定價:12.99元 


Got a stress case in your life?

  Carlson's cheerful book aims to make us stop and smell--if not roses--whatever is sitting in front of our noses. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... offers 100 meditations designed to make you appreciate being alive, keep your emotions (especially anger and dissatisfaction) in proper perspective, and cherish other people as the unique miracles they are.

  It's an owner's manual of the heart, and if you follow the directions, you will be a happier, more harmonious person!


理察‧卡爾森 (Richard Carlson, PH.D., 1961-2006),全球暢銷書《別為小事抓狂》系列的作者,也是全美知名的演說家和心理諮詢專家,他曾被《時人雜誌(People)選為「最有魅力的人物」,並曾多次受邀參加「歐普拉」等知名談話節目,接受CNN等專訪;也為PBS電視台主持特別節目,鼓勵人們將他書中所提倡的觀念,落實到日常生活中。


Have a Nice Day!