
  • The Merchant of Venice
    • The Merchant of Venice

    • ISBN(10碼): 1411407288
    • ISBN(13碼): 9781411407282
    • 作者: William Shakespeare
    • 出版社: Spark Publishing
    • 出版日期: 2008年01月01日
    • 美元 定價:5.95元  二手最低價:$80
    • 已絕版
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  This is one of Shakespeare's darkest comedies, for the romantic story of a young man, Bassanio, who has squandered his fortune and must borrow money to woo the wealthy lady he loves is set against the more disturbing story of the Jewish moneylender Shylock and his demand for the “pound of flesh” owed him by the Venetian merchant, Antonio. Here pathos and farce combine with moral complexity and romantic entanglement to display the extraordinary power and range of Shakespeare at his best.


莎士比亞 (William Shakespeare, 1564-1616),生於英國史特拉福鎮(Stratford-upon-Avon),英國文藝復興時期(English Renaissance)著名演員、劇作家與詩人。 生平創作極豐,共留有兩篇長篇敘事詩、一百五十四首十四行詩和少數雜詩,以及三十七部震撼舞台的戲劇。這些作品的內涵深刻、藝術價值極高,使莎翁成為傳世不朽,帶給世界文壇無限影響的偉大文豪。


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